
Air cargo transport

We offer air cargo transport services with first-class operations and an international network

We offer air cargo transport services with first-class operations and an international network thanks to our extensive network of international services, we offer you a wide range of air cargo transport services, including collection, dispatch operations customs, delivery and distribution in a large part of the territories around the world.

Our scheduled consolidation operations and our home delivery services guarantee shorter delivery times, providing the security and certainty that today’s companies require.

We provide a reliable service, exclusive for 1 single customer, without having to wait for consolidation with various customers, Galaxy Cargo offers you the most viable options for handling your cargo anywhere in the world through our international coverage network and in partnership with the best airlines in the world. With our exclusive service you can find a range of possibilities for your URGENT loads.

As we move towards new-generation logistics focused on high-speed air transport, we are committed to offering our customers new solutions to their transport challenges.

Consolidated Service

Galaxy Cargo offers a great option to reduce costs in services such as the CONSOLIDATED service that brings together the burden of various customers in order to group together and thus achieve a reduction in air freight, ground collection and storage

Door-to-Door Service

We take care of coordinating air boarding from your warehouses to your premises, including arrangements with Customs in any country. With a wide variety of connection options that will they will allow you to receive your merchandise at the door, optimizing transit times

Maritime cargo transport

We send your valuable merchandise to the destinations on time And in the most profitable way by sea

Maritime transport is one of the most important sectors of international logistics. Our maritime transport experts offer a full range of customized international logistics solutions, backed by their extensive experience and technical knowledge, that guarantee uninterrupted global logistics, at home and around the world.

Main advantages of our maritime cargo transport service:

Competitive and profitable costs, we provide a comprehensive logistics service, based on a FLAT rate per shipping line (FCL / LCL / GRANEL), in a scenario under normal conditions. This, with the aim of that you can have defined the cost structure for your imports/exports, through our GUARANTEED RATE, from before the coordination of your cargo begins.

By hiring maritime carriers based on the magnitude of our shipments, we obtain the most profitable rates as NVOCC agents, which allows us to offer our valued customers the most competitive rates. We have a large number of maritime transport experts distributed around the world who handle their cargo with care.

Thanks to our own computer systems, we can monitor and track your load in a few clicks. This allows us to properly manage inventory not only in our facilities, but also during maritime transport.

Ground cargo transport

For your supply chain:

As a logistics company, we have the capacity to transport goods to countries of all continents according to the needs of their customers. Our highly qualified experts are spread across subsidiaries around the world and are at your disposal to address any transport-related issues.

A network of services that reaches all over the world

Our experienced and well-informed experts parked in each branch take care of and transport the cargo of our customers. We have established a network of services that covers all types of cargo in accordance with the prevailing conditions in each country and, consequently, we are fully equipped to meet all requirements related to cargo, including cargo transport within the Americas, Europe and Asia.

You can also create optimal transport solutions that have delivery execution period and cost by combining maritime, air, rail and other modes of transport that we offer.

We have MTC authorizations and procedures for the transport of: General Cargo / Reefer Cargo / IMO Cargo

Charing Insurance

We have various alternatives and types of insurance that can be adapted to your needs, with the support of the world’s leading insurers. We offer you:

Multimodal coverage (All risks + War and strike)

Land coverage

Ground coverage from the port/border

LAP coverage (private failure)

Customs Service

With our experienced customs agents, we organize the transport of your cargo from door to Door. As a first-class international cargo agent, we make sure that your cargo reaches where you should go, when you should arrive. Our team will take care of the appropriate documentation, negotiating the insurance and providing an international payment method.

Expert consulting:

Our focus is to provide our customers with the tools and resources they need to reduce shipping risks and protect them even more from customs sanctions, fines and delays in the delivery. With our knowledge and experience in the industry, Galaxy Cargo is positioned to provide strategic and expert advice for your logistical and shipping needs.

Warehouse Service











Address in USA:

1000 Brickell Ave Suite 715, Miami Florida 33131


+1 954-860-3867

+1 954-451-2261

Address in Venezuela:

AV Francisco de Miranda, Edif Centro Perú, torre A, piso 8, ofic 80. Chacao, Caracas.



